
Templates allow users to start a new file based on a saved template. This can be a great time saver for any author who finds himself or herself creating many documents of the same structure on a regular basis. This window hovers above the active document for easy access and automatically closes when no documents are open.

Only the default template is shipped with RCEdit. Template are created by following three simple steps:

  1. create the required HTML in the active document in RCEdit
  2. select "Create Template from current file" found under the tools menu
  3. give the template a name

Templates are stored in the program subdirectory named Templates. A template is simply a regular HTML file that has been renamed to user_provided_name.tpl and stored in the proper directory. For this reason is it important to adhere to normal filename rules when following step three listed above. There is no need to add the .tpl extension when assigning the new template a name, the program will do this automatically.

Templates can be edited by selecting the desired template and clicking the "Edit" button on the Templates window.

Templates can be deleted by selecting the desired template and clicking the "Delete" button on the Templates window. A yes or no confirmation will appear offering the user a chance to cancel the deletion. The Default Template can not be deleted.
